Katie Roiger
C. S. Lewis famously said, “I wrote the books I should have liked to read.” Katie Roiger began writing stories as a middle schooler when she couldn’t find an adventure story about princesses AND pirates at her local library. Her first efforts weren’t exactly Chronicles of Narnia caliber, but the habit was formed.
She scribbled her way through various jobs as a librarian, a city municipal worker, a diamond grader, and a bookseller before finally becoming a freelance writer and editor. She lives in Sleepy Eye with her amazing husband who likes to ask, “But THEN what happened?” after they finish reading a novel together, and their one-year-old son who thinks that board books are delicious.
Katie's first book, "Only the Brave", will be released in June 2022. To pre-order, email: kroiger.writes@gmail.com
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