Betty Brandt Passick
Betty Brandt Passick is an independently published author of four books, inspirational speaker, and teacher. The Black Bag of Dr. Wiltse, Murder on the Prairie (2021), book two in the Gangster Series, which won a 2022 Notable Indie Book Award; Gangster in Our Midst: Bookkeeper, Lieutenant and Sometimes Hitman for Al Capone (2017)—her debut novel — won a 2019 Notable Indie Book Award; plus, two significant memoriams.
Annually she speaks at dozens of venues, primarily in the Iowa-Minnesota-Wisconsin area. Writing workshops include: “Writing a Memoir” (all ages), and “Journaling” (grades 5-7). The year 2023 marked the launch of the 1st Annual Wapsie Writing Contest. She writes a “Gangster Blog”, and authors a column for her Iowa hometown newspaper, the Fairbank Islander. Her works have appeared in the Des Moines Register (poetry); WINK magazine; Thoughts and Prayers for Those Experiencing Loss, an Anthology; Saints with Slingshots 2 (short stories)—and others. Read more at www.BettyBrandtPassick.com.
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